Monday, October 3, 2011

The Magicians by Lev Grossman

To those who enjoy reading books about magic, you will want to check out this book.
Okay, I say that it’s good but be forewarned, the story moves kind of slow. I mean it took literally more than half the book to find out what the conflict is in the story. I read one hundred pages the first day and when my dad asked me that night what is was about I said that it’s about a boy who goes to a college of magic but other than that I had no idea.
I will say though that I like how some parts are written. 
In the book they talk about a series that the main character loves and they way to that world is very similar to that in The Chronicles of Narnia. If you even look at the cover you can see similarities between it and The Magician’s Nephew.
But it’s not this points that I enjoyed. Rather, the other elements that were in reference to things like Quidditch in Harry Potter or hobbit-holes from The Lord of the Rings. What was awesome (at least in my opinion) was that he didn’t try to cover it up like some writer’s do, but rather made sure you got the reference by pointing it out to you. In the end he mentioned Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Scooby-doo, Star Treck, and The Lorax - at least those are the ones that I remember.
Every time that I would come across one of them I would smile and think that that was exactly what I was thinking about too. Half the reason why I kept reading the book when it got really slow was to find the next culture reference in it.
So, in the end it’s a good book, just a bit slow for me. If I want to read the next one in the series I will most likely find and audio book of it and see if that makes it move any quicker.
Well, 6 down, 10 to go.

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