Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Color of Magic (television 2008)

First off, why even bother calling it a TV show when it is only two episodes long and each episode is about an hour and a half long?
Besides that, it was enjoyable.
When I first turned it on I thought it would be the stupidest thing ever in the first 20 seconds when they say that the world is a flat disk sitting on top the backs of 4 elephants who stand on the shell of a giant turtle swimming through space. Very crazy in my opinion.
However, once I saw Sean Austin and Christopher Lee in the opening credits, I decided to give it my all. After all, how bad can something with Sam Gamgee and Saruman be?
And it wasn’t bad at all. A little silly sometimes, but good.
Throughout the movie I saw references to other films, be it intentional or not. I found reference to Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and a bit of Harry Potter cropping up every now and again. Each one made me have a huge smile and little laugh, a very good thing to have throughout a film.
Some of the references: naming the red star the ‘Death Star’ (SW), the riding sequence looking at the grassy mountains (LotR), a ‘secret’ school of magic (HP), potatoes (LotR), I can go on.
The show also gave me a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy feel the way the narrator sounded and talked to you. If you have ever seen the movie, you’ll know what I mean.
Overall I give it a thumbs up. I loved Death and thought he was hilarious. My only real problem was that the evil wizard was played by Tim Curry and so every time he spoke I kept picturing Nigel Thornberry from the animated show The Wild Thornberrys. But can you blame me? I spent six years of my childhood associating his voice with that character.
So, another week done - officially once I finish that book. We’re moving a bit away from fantasy and getting into Science Fiction, next week we’re to talk about Star Trek and Star Wars. It doesn’t get more specific than that.

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