Monday, October 17, 2011

Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson

Okay, so I’m not done the book. I downloaded the audiobook Friday night only to find out then that it was 24.5 hours long! I am currently little more then 2/3 done, so for now this is what I have.
The beginning of the audiobook says that Warbreaker is labeled Science Fiction. I don’t really see that. To me this is another fantasy book. I mean, when I think Sci-Fi I think outer space, aliens, starships, things like that. The only thing with this book is that it goes into the politics of the two counties a lot more then others that I have read. But I still don’t see it Science Fiction.
Writing style. Each chapter focuses on a different main character of the plot line. Sometimes your with Vivenna, or Siri, Lovesong, or one of the other major characters. Some people might find it annoying, but I enjoyed it. True, because if that I wanted to just skip some chapters if they were about a character I didn’t like, but the layout motivated me to get though it so I could get to the chapters with more favorable people.
After spending 18 hours listening to a book, the characters become very real. I ranted to one of my floor mates about Viveena - who was driving me crazy at that point and I wanted to go die in the whole my sister and I have for our less liked people. To this he said that it was just a made up character and I didn’t need to get upset. I simply glared at him and moved to the couch for a bit.
Scoot and Lovesong are two of my favorite characters (really most of them were). Lovesong is so carefree and nonchalant in the beginning, then slowly starts to take an interest in the things around him. This character development reminds me of of growing up - for most people at least. As a kid, or teen, one doesn’t really see or care how there actions effect things. As people age they start to accept responsibility and pay more attention. Just like Lovesong.
Scoot, oh come on how can you not like him. He spends all day taking care of a giant little kid and has more patience than I can ever hope to encounter. He’s just the perfect best friend / mother hen.
Anyway, that is what I have for you so far. I’ll update later when I finish later this week, but it wont be too much.
Till then.

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