Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Time Bandit (dir. Terry Gilliam 1981)

Okay, I wasn’t expecting that.
The movie was rather odd. Like I said, not something I expected. After reading the Hobbit, seeing that the in class movie is the Lord of the Rings, and knowing that the topic is heroic journey - I expected something more similar to the others, and this movie is so not like LotR.
Shall I compare the two?
Let’s start with the basics - Plot. The Hobbit’s plot line was esaplished within the first chapter - they’re going to the Lonely Mountain to kill Smaug and get back their gold. Time Bandit, well, that is a bit confusing. I mean the thieves were looking to steal things, the boy was tenthly looking for a way home, but even that just made for a jumpy plot - the goals changing for each world.
Characters. Each had a group of people that was our main focus. Each having a leader and one that was more sensible then the rest. In the Hobbit the leader was Thorin, the sensible one Bilbo the main group being 14 whenever Gandalf was not there - 7 dyeing. Time Bandit had the guy with the map as the leader, the boy as the sensible one, the group being 7 altogether - no one dyeing. 
The Ending. The Hobbit ended with the knowledge that the Lord of the Rings was to follow. Time Bandit ended with the boy thinking it was a dream only to have pictures and have his house destroyed and parents blown up by evil. Not every nice.
Well, that’s the major parts of it. 
I did enjoy that the same couple kept appearing in different times and always got interrupted.
My favorite would would have to be the one where the boy was ‘adopted.’ Felt bad that he was dragged out - would have been better off staying there after what ended up happening to his parents.
Anyway, there is the movie.
Next week we have no class so I technically don’t have to read this week, but I think I will so I don’t have to worry about falling behind later in the semester if it gets really busy.

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