Monday, September 12, 2011

A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami

I enjoyed the book. Okay, really I didn’t read it - I’ve been listening to it on audio book but sometimes that just makes it even better, depending on the reader. And truthfully I still have 2 hours left which I plan to get though tomorrow after lunch - so this post will be shorter then the others until I post the second part of my thoughts tomorrow.
But so far this is what I think.
If you’re like me and find that sitting around for hours reading a book if not enjoyable unless with certain books, then I highly recommend audiobooks. Often it will take less time and you will be able to get other things done as well. And depending on the reader you might be given different voices for the different characters (really if you love the Harry Potter books rent the audiobooks sometime - Jim Dale is an amazing reader).
So yes I listened to the audiobook, it helps with time management and getting around all those Japanese names.
But I digress.
The book in itself I wouldn’t classify as horror either. True I’m not done and it might turn out like Audition and turn into a light slasher type in the end, but from where I stand now it seems more like a mystery novel. But I’ll let you know my final call tomorrow afternoon.
It took me a while to understand what the book was about. For a while I thought that it was about the girl who died in the beginning since we say the past relationship she had with the main character. And the part with the guy and the ear model out to eat talking about her “real ears” two things: 1) I kept laughing out loud completely confusing this other boy out in the commons. 2) The way she talked about the way she hid her true ears reminded me of a scene from Star Girl when she talks about doing absolutely nothing.
Anyway, that’s all you’re getting for now. I’ll tell you tomorrow about the rest of the book.
So next week is Heroic Journey and for the reading we have The Hobbit! I love J.R.R. Tolkien and I can guarantee that next week there will be an extra long entry about the book and the movies since we are to talk about them in class. But that’s all next week. Until then you’ll have to settle with this.
(I said it would be shorter but it’s really long, oh well)

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