Monday, November 28, 2011

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

So this was the last book we had to read for the class, though it wasn’t even a reading assignment. We were tole to listen to the original radio broadcast of the book that was available online at our class’s web resource page.
Anyway, I listened to the recordings. 
I can’t really compare the audio to the actual book (my sister would be able to though) since I’ve never really read it. I have also only seen the movie once so am limited in that comparison as well. I can, however, compare it to other audiobooks.
Now this was a radio cast. At the time there was no book, it was made from the weekly specials. And being that it is for radio you realize as you listen that there isn’t that much description or directional diogule. Of course, being that this is the only radio broadcast I’ve heard I can not say for certain if it is a radio thing or just something done for the story in specific.
Regardless I did enjoy the recordings. Being not from a book there were no ‘he said,’ ‘she said’(s) making you have to really pay attention to the readers, or actors. Though I did get Arthur and Ford mixed up often.
In the end it was very good and entertaining, making me want to see that movie again as well. I also think that it was educational to hear an old fashioned radio show, especially since I love audiobooks so much and they are basically that same idea.
Well, that concludes the books for this week as well as the reading assignments for this class since next week is the final meeting and he isn’t making us have anything for it. Later tonight there will be an entry for this weeks movie but after that it’s all over.

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